Admission notice for the academic year(2025-26)

Admissions open for classes 9, 10 and 12 (2025-26)

Admissions open for class XI (2025-26)

Application Form of classes 9, 10 and 12 for the academic year 2025-26

Republic Day Celebrations 2023

Barely a week after being declared the most populated country in the world, India celebrates it’s 74th Republic Day. With recent developments like being chosen to hold the G20 summit, it is clear that the country is emerging as a leading power in the world. But what led to this change in India’s standing, from being a British colony less than a century ago to being the fastest growing economy in the world?? The perpetrator was a robust constitution which looked after the development of all sections of society.

On 25th January, both the junior and senior school collaborated to celebrate the Republic Day with much cheer and pomp. The event started with a reading of our Preamble, followed by dances, mimes and music, all of which contributed to lighting a spirit of patriotism in our hearts. To celebrate the vast diversity of our country, we were made aware about various prevailing cultures, with emphasis on Sikkim. An address by the principal brought an end to the ceremony.