Admission notice for the academic year(2025-26)

Admissions open for classes 9, 10 and 12 (2025-26)

Admissions open for class XI (2025-26)

Application Form of classes 9, 10 and 12 for the academic year 2025-26

FAREWELL Ms. Sharmila Roy and Ms. Susan Pavamani

Farewells always leave us overwhelmed, for not only do they remind us of the inevitable parting but are also a constant reminder of the effervescence of time.

On 2nd April 2022, the MSM Family bid adieu to Ms Sharmila Roy and Mrs Susan Pawamani, through a Cultural Program which was a Kaliedoscope of Music, Dance and Dramatics. The staff and students of MSM said their goodbyes with heavy hearts and teary eyes.

Ms Sharmila Roy retired as the Junior School Coordinator, a disciplinarian and educationist par excellence. She worked in MSM for more thanthirty-five years and kindled the joy to learn in her students and infused her colleagues with enthusiasm.

Mrs. Susan Pavamani worked in MSM for three decades and during this journey she instilled manners, discipline and love for learning in the students.

Both Teachers were the Stalwarts of MSM and shall stay in the hearts of the MSM family forever.