Admission Guidelines for classes (1 to 8 and class 10)

Admissions open for class 11 for the academic session 2024-25

Diwali and Dussehra Celebrations

AGeneral Assembly was conducted in Mount St. Mary’s School for the festival of Dussehra and Gandhi Jayantion 30th September 2022. The assembly was inaugurated by a prayer by the White HousePrefect.

The first half of the assembly demonstrated the origin and celebration of Dussehrathrough various plays, dances and skits starring our talents from the junior school, middle school and senior school.

The second half of the assembly exhibited the importance of Gandhi Jayantiand Mahatma Gandhi’s role in shaping India to what it is today though skits and speeches.

The assembly was adjourned with the principal’s address to all the students after which everyone rose for the national anthem. The assembly was conducted with joy and vigour.By the end, the students knew a little more about Indian culture and history than they did before.