A Visit to Davo Old Age Home by the members of services for People Club on August 13, 2022 On August 13,2022 26 members of Services for people club ( student volunteers from grades 9 - 12) headed by Ms. Reena Saxena, Counselor cum Incharge of the club visited Davo NGO for old aged . [...]
22ND INTER-HOUSE AQUATIC MEET Mount St. Mary’s School organized the Annual Inter House Aquatic Meet on Wednesday, the 19th of October 2022. Students of all the four Houses - Hogan, Hughes, Parkinson and Price participated in this event with great enthusiasm. The Head Boy AdabLakhanpal welcomed the Principal, Rev. Bro. Tomy Varghese and he declared [...]
AGeneral Assembly was conducted in Mount St. Mary’s School for the festival of Dussehra and Gandhi Jayantion 30th September 2022. The assembly was inaugurated by a prayer by the White HousePrefect. The first half of the assembly demonstrated the origin and celebration of Dussehrathrough various plays, dances and skits starring our talents from the junior [...]
A workshop on Personality Development was conducted for Classes 4 and 5 on 13th October, ’22. The speaker for the day was Mr. Lucky Puchhrat, an eminent trainer empaneled with the Hindustan Times. The session started on a very creative note sensitizing the students on the need to have a great personality. It aimed to [...]
Mount St. Mary’s School organised the Career Counselling Sessions for classes 9-12 on Saturday 15th October 2022. Dr. Amrita Dass, an eminent educationist and a professional career counsellor was invited as the Resource Person. The seminar was conducted in two sessions category wise. At 9:30 am it was scheduled for classes XI and XII on [...]
Every year, MSM’s tech club - The Matrix Clan and the Commerce club - Ecomm Buzz come together to host an annual fest for all things tech and commerce. The Bro. Aloysius Matrix Ecomm Symposium took place on 8th October 2022. It is renowned as one of the best tech fests in Delhi and pioneered [...]
The recently concluded 36th National Games of India saw Advita Sharma, Sports Captain, bag the first place in the Team Squash event which was held at Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar from 1st to 5th October 2022. The Women’s Delhi Team beat the teams from Kerala, Chhatisgarh and Rajasthan to storm into the finals against [...]
The Volunteer Parents Activity was conducted on 7th October,2022 for Classes Prep - 5. Beautiful paper Diyas , Lanterns and Akaash Kandils were made by the students under the able guidance and supervision of the Volunteer Parents in preparation for the festivities this month . Children thoroughly enjoyed making these beautiful decorations and it was [...]
Excursion to Jim Corbett National Park – 1st to 3rd October, 2022 Educational trips of the school are amongst the most memorable of the formative years, largely because they are a welcome break in the monotonous routine for both students as well as teachers. While their purpose is essentially to educate but they can alsohelp [...]