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22nd Bro. Aloysius Matrix-Ecomm Symposium

Every year, MSM’s tech club – The Matrix Clan and  the Commerce club

– Ecomm Buzz come together to host an annual fest for all things tech and commerce. The Bro. Aloysius Matrix Ecomm Symposium took place on 8th October 2022.

It is renowned as one of the   best tech fests in Delhi and pioneered several events such as cryptic hunts and  pushed the boundaries of interschool fests. 2022 was no different.

14 events – 4 online and 10 in school. Our principal Bro. Tomy Varghese inaugurated the event and declared it open.

After three years of purely online events it was time to make a splash. And a splash we made, quite literally because of the heavy downpour .  This did not dampen the spirits of either the Marians or the participants .Schools from all over Delhi prepared for the grand event. This year The Matrix Clan and Ecomm Buzz focused on deeper integration of our events, being a yin-yang rather than two sides of a coin. We combined Matrix’s new and popular ‘Pixel Opus’ event, a harmony between photography talents and photo editing; and Ecomm’s classic ‘Diorama’ event into a better ‘Diorama’ for 2022, merging photography and advertising. The Matrix and Ecomm Buzz both introduced a new events. ‘Bidding Bankers’, for  the entrepreneurs of the next generation and ‘Triquetra’, a triathlon of Speed- cubing, Programming and Sudoku, a race of wits only for the best. This focus on integration extended into the way we organised the event to a much greater extent.


Our online events took place a week prior to the main event, 1st October on-wards. We carried over our experience from hosting and witnessing many online events and created a hybrid event, a first of it’s kind in the history of Matrix Ecomm. This helped us not only reduce the load from the day of the main fest but also allowed us to branch out into a variety of new events that would not be viable in the one day of the fest.

We were able to conduct prelims of some popular events such as Matrix Mindcraft(Cryptic Hunt) and were able to expand the scope of events such as A/V Sync (Video Editing), providing multiple days and enabling our participants to show off their talents. We also introduced new online events such as ‘In-tune’, the music composition event and ‘CRASHHANDLERDLL’, the game development event!

As the schools started arriving tensions mounted for the members of our batch of ’23. Being pushed into our first our offline event and that too being the seniors. During the inauguration we held our breaths as the participants gathered in the auditorium and watched the video we prepared to celebrate our comeback.

The time flew and it was time for the valedictory function. We were honoured to have Mr. Sumit Agarwal ,National Secretary and Convenor Youth Wing-Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT),India’s apex trade body, as our Chief Guest. His keynote address inspired all the participants as they waited for the individual event results and awards.

DPS Dwarka was the winner of the overall Rolling Trophy.

With the conclusion of the 22nd Bro. Aloysius Matrix Ecomm Symposium, it remains the gold standard for interschool competitions all over Delhi. We pass on the baton to the hosts of next year’s prestigious Matrix Ecomm Symposium.