Mount St. Mary's School

Patrician Brothers’ School, Mount St. Mary’s Delhi Cantt. which was established in January 1963, is run by the Society of St. Patrick, whose educational institutions in India and abroad are highly appreciated for the sound, moral, intellectual and physical education imparted to the children committed to their care. The Brothers consider the formation of character the first essential of any sound educational system, and so great stress is laid on the inculcation of high ideals, good behaviour and moral rectitude. Read More

Welcome to MSM, a home built on decades of value imbued traditions. As educators, we understand that children learn more from what you are and what you do than what you say. Read More
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Notice Board
- Admission notice for the academic year(2025-26)
- Admissions open for class XI (2025-26)
- Junior School Final Term Assessment Datesheet 2024- 2025
- Senior School Final Term Examination Datesheet 2024-25
- Junior School Half Yearly Assessment Datesheet 2024-25
- Principal’s Message
- Admissions open for class 11 for the academic session 2024-25
- Winners of 9th International Mental Maths Olympiad 2023-2024 (IMMO)
- Introduction of Pre- School (Nursery Classes)
- School Transport Arrangement
MSM at 14th International Human Rights Summit and Awards 2024
Appreciation by Major General Dr. Rajan Kochhar, VSM
It Was a pleasure to be part of panel on Human Rights Day at India Islamic Centre Lodhi Road on 10 Dec 2024 organised by All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties and Social Justice and presented views on bringing peace and tolerance amongst communities and furtherance of human rights and social equality. Currently 34 nations are at war with over 110 million refugees across the world. United Nations expenditure on peace building and peace making is 49.6B US dollars. It would also be interesting to note that only over 4% of conflicts bring peace thereafter. Military budgets have increased in 93 countries and overall conflicts have impacted 13.5% of global GDP. Therefore its time this realisation dawns on all of us and it becomes imperative to resolve our differences through diplomacy, mediation and negotiation. Need to embrace peace, empathy and cooperation
Appreciation by Maj. (Dr.) Md Ali Shah(Veteran) International Tedx
I had the honour to be a Guest of honour to Dr. Anthony Raju's grand event - The 14th International Human Rights Summit & Awards mega function, at the International Human Rights day, 10th Dec 2024, at India Islamic Cultural Centre. What impressed me the most was the outstanding performance of the students of Mount St. Mary's school. What a show - What a grand show, the children had put up - Truly remarkable and one of the best that I have ever seen. The childrens moving performance brought tears to many in the audience including their very popular Principal and my good friend, Brother Tomy Varghese. The hard work of the students, the teachers the support staff was visible and that speaks great volumes of the leadership of the school. What an evening it was. I sincere and heartful gratitude to Dr. Anthony Raju for this wonderful initiative and promoting world peace and harmony for the sake of humanity.
Appreciation by Dr. Zarine Manchanda
It was a pleasure and privilege to receive an award and to be named the Brand Ambassador in Delhi last night from the prestigious All India Council on Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice. A genuine highlight of the evening was the entertainment provided by a group of super talented children who provided an impactful message for Peace and Harmony through song and dance. They truly dazzled the audience! After their wonderful performance was completed, these students showed their commitment to the cause when they took a pledge on stage to uphold peace and human rights. I was so moved and inspired by this gesture. As a social activist and philanthropist who strives to be a Champion for Change in this vital cause, all of us in the audience were moved by this captivating performance and their solemn pledge. May these bright minds with compassionate hearts stay true to the cause throughout their lives because there is no cause more noble than what we celebrated and honored last night.
Video Gallery
1988 MSM celebrates silver jubilee with the Musical, Joseph and the Dream Coat